How to use the Projects feature to manage workflows

How to use the Projects feature to manage workflows

Jasper PIM - Project Workflow Feature 

Jasper PIM's project workflow feature enables merchants to group products in new and useful ways. As an extension of Jasper’s advanced product search functionality, it allows users to filter products by a multitude of conditions and then save them as a named collection (a project). For example, a merchant may have some products with incomplete pricing data that they would like an employee to update before publishing. Using the project workflow feature this merchant can quickly and easily group all products without pricing data and save them as a named collection that is only visible within the context of the Jasper PIM dashboard (it will not dispatch these changes to Shopify/BigCommerce etc as a category/collection). Once saved, projects can be managed from the Projects tab in the Jasper PIM toolbar. To further clarify the process, here is a set of step-by-step instructions with images. 

There are two ways to create a project from the Jasper PIM dashboard, creating a project manually and creating a search-based project. 

Create a Project Manually 

To create a project manually, click on the Projects tab in the side menu 

Once you are on the Projects page, click on the Create button in the top-right corner 

Next, enter a name and description for your new project in the text fields that appear, then click the Save button underneath 

Once saved, our project should now be visible on the projects listing page 

To add products manually, click on the View button and you will be brought to a project-specific page. Click on the Add button in the top-right corner to toggle a listing of all store products. Simply select the product you wish to include in the project and click on the Add Product button. 


If successful, our newly added product will be visible on the project page like so: 

Clicking on the View button will bring you to the product-specific page, while clicking on Delete will remove it from the project in question. 


Create a Search-based Project  

With this approach we will be using the Advanced Search feature to select products according to search conditions. First, click on the Products tab in the side menu.

Once you have the Products page open, click on the Advanced button to the immediate right of the product search bar.  

This should reveal the Advanced Product Filter component which allows for more granular search parameters than the simple text-based search. 

For this example, we will search for all products that are missing a Description field and save them as a project. First, we will enter the query parameters and then click the Filter button. 

Notice how the results are now different and the first two products (7 Shakra Bracelet and Anchor Bracelet Mens) are no longer present. We now have a listing of all the products that are missing a description field. To proceed, click on the Save as project button, which will reveal text fields for the project name and description – note that the Name parameter is required. Enter a name and description as you see fit then click on the final Save button below. 

Now, if we click on the Projects tab in the side menu, our newly-created project should be visible within the projects listing component. Once again, clicking on the associated View button will open the dedicated project page, while clicking on Delete will delete the project entirely. 



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