Versions Compared


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Useful terminology for Jasper Users

Below is a list of useful terms This document provides a comprehensive overview of the essential terms and concepts used throughout Jasper PIM, tailored for enterprise customers. Understanding these terms will facilitate a smoother experience when working with the platform.


Asset (Primary)


  • Definition: The main thumbnail used for brand logos, category images, and channel logos within Jasper PIM.Assets - Images

  • Application: Primary assets are pivotal for visual branding across all your publication channels.


  • Definition: Digital files associated with products, including images, PDFs, Docsdocuments, CAD FilesAttribute - Product specific data elements (and CAD files.

  • Application: Assets are used to enrich product listings and provide additional information to end-users.


  • Definition: Product-specific data elements, which can include text, date, select-box, multi-select, markdown, or JSON). When internally used, can house .

  • Internal Use: Attributes can store searchable values to power enable batch actions in within Jasper PIM for , streamlining merchandising and marketing efforts. Most commonly used externally when publishing to a storefront processes.

  • External Use: Attributes are commonly published to storefronts for product specifications or 3rd integrated with third-party search provider providers to establish filter criteria.

Attribute Set


  • Definition: A grouping of attributes that can be assigned to a product, category, or generic entity.

  • Application: Attribute sets allow for consistent application of product data across multiple products or categories.



  • Definition: Public-facing companies associated with products. Brands represent the makers of products, which may differ from the supplier, vendor, or manufacturer.

  • Application: Brands are used for organizing and presenting products in a way that aligns with consumer recognition.


  • Definition: Organizational groupings of products that can be nested under another category and or housed under a Root that category, which can be assigned to a specific publication channel.

  • Application: Categories can be set to invisible until ready to publish, allowing for staged product rollouts.



  • Definition: An outbound publication endpoint, such as a storefront (BigCommerce, Shopify, Magento) or CSV export.Concrete Entity - The value for

  • Application: Channels manage where and how product data is published from Jasper PIM.

Concrete Entity

  • Definition: A specific instance of a generic entity, capable of having its own attributes. For instance if you have a example, if "Author" is the generic entity called author, then "William Shakespeare" would be the concrete entity. His biography would be an attribute suitable for use on the concrete entity.Display Group - The user-facing , with his biography as an attribute.

  • Application: Concrete entities allow for detailed management of non-product data that relates to products.

Display Group

  • Definition: A customizable organizational grouping of attributes on the attribute page. This is entirely customizable by the user

  • ERP - Enterprise resource planning software, typical back office master for SKU creation, can connect via API to the PIM to control pricing(and sometimes inventory) data

  • Generic Entities - , intended for user-facing display.

  • Application: Display groups help streamline the user interface, making attribute management more efficient.

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)

  • Definition: Back-office software typically used as the master system for SKU creation, pricing, and sometimes inventory data. Jasper PIM can integrate with ERP systems via API.

  • Application: ERP systems provide a centralized source of truth for product information, which is then synchronized with Jasper PIM.

Generic Entities

  • Definition: Custom data objects that can be related to products , and have attributes assigned to them (ex. book author as the entity with books they've written as the related products, and awards they've won as a related attribute)Jobs - Automation log . For example, "Book Author" could be a generic entity with related products (books) and related attributes (awards).

  • Application: Generic entities expand Jasper PIM’s flexibility, allowing for the management of complex data relationships.


  • Definition: Automation logs of batch actions performed within the Jasper PIM.

  • Logging - Automation logs of sync records to outbound channels

  • OMS - Order Management System, separate from Jasper

  • Option sets - Assignable groups of Option Application: Jobs provide a record of automated processes, ensuring transparency and traceability.


  • Definition: Logs of synchronization records with outbound channels.

  • Application: Logging allows users to monitor and troubleshoot data synchronization with external systems.

OMS (Order Management System)

  • Definition: A system separate from Jasper PIM, used for managing orders.

  • Application: While not directly integrated, OMS data often complements the product information managed in Jasper PIM.

Option Sets

  • Definition: Assignable groups of options used to create parent/child productsOptions - Pivotable product relationships.

  • Application: Option sets facilitate the management of product variants, such as different sizes or colors.


  • Definition: A pivotable "attribute" that determines defines the relationship between a parent a child product child product)

  • PCSID - (Legacy) Jasper internal product ID

  • PDPs - Product detail pages on ecommerce storefronts

  • Permission - product and its child products.

  • Application: Options allow for the creation of product variants within a single parent product structure.

PCSID (Legacy)

  • Definition: Jasper's internal product ID used in legacy systems.

  • Application: Although outdated, PCSID may still be referenced in legacy integrations or data migrations.

PDPs (Product Detail Pages)

  • Definition: Pages on eCommerce storefronts that display detailed product information.

  • Application: PDPs are the primary interface for consumers to engage with product data published from Jasper PIM.


  • Definition: A toggle-able level of access to a specific PIM featurePIMID - Jasper internal product ID (current)features within Jasper PIM.

  • Application: Permissions control user access, ensuring that team members only interact with relevant data and tools.


  • Definition: Jasper's current internal product ID.

  • Application: PIMID is the primary identifier for products within Jasper PIM, critical for internal tracking and data management.

Profile (Import/Export)


  • Definition: A template mapping from Jasper PIM to CSV and vice versa, used for imports to and exports from the PIM.Role - Assignable set of permissions allowing a user a specific level importing and exporting data.

  • Application: Profiles facilitate the mass import/export of product data, streamlining data management processes.


  • Definition: An assignable set of permissions that grants users specific levels of access to PIM features.

  • Application: Roles ensure that users have the appropriate access based on their responsibilities.



(Search Engine Optimization



  • Definition: The process of preparing your product data to be better be recognized and ranked by search enginesSKU - External .

  • Application: Jasper PIM’s SEO tools help optimize product listings for search visibility.

SKU (Stock Keeping Unit)

  • Definition: An external product identifier, typically generated by a customer's ERP systemSync - An updated exchange of data between the .

  • Application: SKUs are essential for inventory management and are used across various systems for product identification.


  • Definition: The process of updating data between Jasper PIM and an external system. Most typically , most commonly the publication of data from PIM to a channel.

  • Thumbnail - Primary Application: Syncs ensure that product data is consistently up-to-date across all integrated platforms.


  • Definition: The primary product image used for main hero images on product detail pages and product grids.

  • Application: Thumbnails are critical for visual appeal and user engagement on storefronts.



  • Definition: A signed-in user of the PIMVersion - individual with access to Jasper PIM.

  • Application: Users can have varied levels of access based on assigned roles and permissions.


  • Definition: An alternative set of product data capable of being that can be used in place of the master data when publishing to a channel. Versions contain name, description and attribute data. Versions can be used for alternative content or even storing different languages within the PIM.

  • WMS - warehouse management system (standalone inventory management)

  • Workflow State - Custom created linear product enrichment lifecycle state. Can be used to establish the current "state" of the product as it is being enriched prior to publication, or as part of a higher level lifecycle such as "active, discontinued, EOL, etc."can include different languages or alternative content.

  • Application: Versions allow for flexible content management, accommodating different markets or use cases.

WMS (Warehouse Management System)

  • Definition: A standalone system used for inventory management.

  • Application: WMS typically manages physical inventory, complementing the digital product data in Jasper PIM.

Workflow State

  • Definition: A custom linear state that represents a product’s enrichment lifecycle within Jasper PIM. It can also represent higher-level product lifecycles like "active," "discontinued," or "end-of-life (EOL)."

  • Application: Workflow states help manage the status of products as they move through various stages before publication.