Manage Shopify Sales Channels
This article will show you how to manage Shopify sales channels in the PIM.
This feature requires write_publications access scope. This scope is currently available only to private apps installed on Shopify Plus stores. Contact Shopify Partner Support to enable the scope for your app. Also: You must have read access to product_listings and Storefront API permissions to read products, variants, and collections.
Import sales channels from Shopify
First, you need to import the sales channels you have in Shopify. Go to Configuration > Channels and select your Shopify channel. Go to the Import tab and click on the Import Shopify Sales Channels button to start the import. The process will run in background. (You can check the progress in the Jobs section).
Select sales channels to enable
Once the sales channels are imported, go back to the Details tab and select the sales channels you want to enable.
When the PIM creates a new product to Shopify it will enable the selected sales channels.