Using the Import Export Tool for Attribute Values

Using the Import Export Tool for Attribute Values

Using the Importer to populate attribute values

The Jasper Import Export Tool is a supplement for editing products. It is not intended to be used to configure your PIM. You can use it to populate attribute values for attributes assigned to products, but you will need to create and assign the attributes themselves inside the PIM first. To use the import tool to populate attribute values here are the steps to follow:

For New Products

  1. Begin by following the steps to configure your PIM as outlined by the Welcome To PIM article. Ensure that your attributes are created with unique slugs in order to appear in the mapping profile drop-down menu. Also, if you are using the attribute types select and multi-select have all the values you wish to import. Organize them into appropriate attribute sets to proceed to the next step.

  2. Create an import profile for basic product information only. Do not use attributes in this initial creation profile. For a refresher on how to create a profile please refer to the article called Import Exports - Creating a Profile. The more identifying information you add to the profile the quicker you can assign attribute sets in the next step. From here, the instructions apply to new and existing products.

  3. Import your new SKUs as outlined in the Imports Using a Profile article and when finished proceed to the steps for existing products outlined below.

For Existing Products

  1. Once you've successfully created new products, return to the product list

    • Using advanced search, identify and select groups of products that fall under each attribute set you've created

    • Use the Batch Action editor to assign your attribute sets.

  2. Return to the Import Export tool and create a new profile containing any identifying information you wish (SKU, Name, etc) and all of the attributes for which you would like to populate values. Only attributes with slugs will be available as part of the profile configurator.

  3. When you profile is completed, return to the profile list and click export on the profile. Your products will be exported from the PIM in a file containing all the correct header information for you to populate your attribute values. If you wish to work from a different file ensure that your headers match the profile left column or the file will fail validation.

  4. Import your file using the profile you created for attributes.

  5. Download any error files and make corrections as necessary. If correcting errors be sure to remove the error column prior to attempting a second import.

  6. Check your products for the correct attribute values.

  7. Keep in mind only attributes that have a "Slug" label can be selected in the Mapped Fields drop-down when creating your profile.

  8. If you want to remove/delete an attribute value on a specific product in your CSV file, use the following characters !# in the cell for that particular mapped field. Please be careful where this is used on the CSV especially for certain cells that you may not want to have product data removed.