Product Asset Importer

Product Asset Importer

You can quickly add images to your products in Jasper by uploading a CSV file with the product asset importer. This can be done by assigning an asset URL to a product SKU. You can also set whether you want the asset to be used as a thumbnail or set as private if you don't want the asset to be syndicated to your channels.

Importer Requirements

  • No extra columns.

  • The tool can only upload assets to products in Jasper with a SKU.

CSV Format

The importer expects four columns:

  1. SKU: your product's SKU in Jasper

  2. Thumbnail: either a 0 for the asset to not be used as a thumbnail, or 1 for true for the asset to be used as the thumbnail.

  3. Private:either a 0 for the asset to not be private, or 1 for true for the asset to be private.

  4. url: the url of your asset.

Using the Importer

  1. Navigate to the importer by going to Import/Export > Import Assets from the left side navigation.

  2. Click on the “Download Example CSV Template” button to download a CSV file with the correct header.

  3. Fill out the downloaded CSV file with the products and assets you want to add to Jasper.

You need to add your products into Jasper before you can add assets to them using this tool.

4. Drag and drop your CSV file, or click to upload the file.

5. Your import job will be queued. You can monitor it under “Jobs” from the left hand navigation.