Reset Your Password

Resetting a Forgotten Password

If you forget the password you use to log into the PIM, you can reset it by following these steps.

  1. First, go to your PIM in your web browser and click the forgot password link below the button to log in.

  2. Type your email address associated with your PIM user account into the box when prompted and click continue.

If you happen to remember your password, you can use the Login link to return to the normal sign on page.

  1. On the next screen you will see confirmation that a link has been emailed to you to reset your password. Emails are typically sent within a few seconds, if you don't see it after a few minutes check your SPAM folder.

  2. Click the link in the email, or the link at the bottom if the reset button fails.

  3. The link will take you to a secure page on your PIM allowing you to enter your email address and new password. Once you've entered and confirmed your new password you will be automatically logged into your PIM.

If at any point during this process you receive an error message please contact your PIM administrator and have them manually assign you a new password in order to log into the PIM.