Product Locations

1- How product locations are store in the PIM

In the PIM, product locations are store as Generic Entities. We are creating one generic entity per store.

Click on the Generic Entities menu item to create a generic entity or see the existing ones.


Each generic entity contains multiple product locations. We are storing there the Wynshop product location values: Aisle, Side, Section and Shelf.

On the menu, click on the generic entity / store to see the locations assign to it. Click on View to see the location values.



2- How to assign a location to a product


a. Create Entity Relation Type

A product location can be either primary or non primary. When you assign a product to a location, you need to specify the type of location. A SKU can only have one primary location per store.

Product location types are managed with the Entity Relation Type in the PIM. You need to create one primary and one non primary types for each store.

Click on the Generic Entity Relation Types menu item to create new types.


b. Assign a location to a product

On the product page, go to the Relations tab and click “Add Relation“ to create a Generic Entity Relation and assign a location to the product.


Select the store location type and select the location you want to assign then click “Add Relation“. This action will also update Wynshop.