Create and Configure Your M2 Channel
This article will guide you through the setup process to create your outbound M2 channel inside Jasper PIM. You will require the API access token from the Jasper Extension section of your Magento M2 store.
If you have not already installed the Jasper M2 Module and retrieved your API token, please visit this article and follow the instructions.
Magento 2 is an outbound channel, and in order to create and fully configure it, you will need to have previously setup your categories as well as determined your inventory location name and price base.
For more information on these elements please visit the following articles:
Locate the Channels Menu by clicking Configuration from the left hand side and scroll down to Channels.
From the channel list, click Create Channel in the upper right hand corner. Name your channel something distinctive and select Magento 2 from the type dropdown.
Your API Path is formatted as follows [your_magento_store_url]/rest/V1/jasper/. Replace [your_magento_store_url] with the address of your install, for example
Fill in the desired inventory location, price base and base category. Finally check the enabled checkbox and the track inventory checkbox if you plan to use the PIM to track inventory. Hit save and your channel is now fully configured.
Enabling Product on Your M2 Channel
Now that your M2 Channel has been configured you can begin enabling the M2 channel on products. Navigate to a from the Products menu on the left hand side, select the channels tab and click the checkbox for your M2 store. NOTE: the product has to be considered ready to publish by the PIM (has categorization, attributes, pricing, etc). For full details on the Channels Tab please visit this article.