Understanding Pricing


No two company’s pricing needs are exactly alike. To accommodate a multitude of pricing scenarios, we’ve created a powerful pricing engine within the PIM.

What Types of Price Records Can I Add to a Product?

  • MSRP (manufacturer’s suggested retail price)

  • MAP (minimum advertised price)

  • Cost

  • Sell price

    • Sell price with promotional override

What other information is stored on a price record?

In addition to the price itself, the PIM stores additional information to control how the price records are published and managed.

  • Start Date - Set price record start dates to allow for future price records to be automatically published

  • End Date - Set price record end dates to allow for temporary price changes in accordance with promotions.

When an End Date is set, the PIM treats the price record as a “Promotional price”, witch has the highest priority and cannot be overridden except by another promotional price.

  • Base - The price base is associated with a publication channel. You can create and store multiple price records in different bases to allow for a variety of pricing scenarios including b2b, global selling, etc.

    • Each publication channel is tied to a single price base

Price Priorities

  • Promotional Price - active promotional price (when the current date is between the Start Date and End Date) will take priority over all other price records with the same Base.

  • Regular Price - When another price record is added with the same Base as any other active records, the most recent record will take priority.

Additional information

The PIM also stored additional information that is not editable in the user interface. Most of these are visible by selecting details next to a price record.

  • Book - Defaults to HAND when creating prices in the PIM manually, used for API and imported records

    • Master is used for ERP pricing

  • Code - Defaults to PCS-HAND when creating regular records in the PIM

    • PCS-Promo is used to identify Promotional price records

  • Created at - stores the date at which a price record was created

  • Created by - stores the user name of the person who created the price record along with a date and timestamp

The Pricing Tab

The Pricing Tab displays the complete pricing history for the product you are viewing. This includes all active price bases and effective sell prices across enabled channels.

Effective Sell Price

When a product is enabled on a channel a box will appear on the Pricing Tab with the currently active price records for that channel. Make sure you have setup a Price base on the channel configuration screen and that your price records match contain the correct base.

The Price Records Table

The Price Records Table contains the complete history of pricing for the product.

  • Above the history you can use the Create Price button to add a new record.

  • The Price Rule Legend will display useful information about how prices are handled in the PIM.

    • Active records will display in green

    • Expired or inactive records will appear in green

    • Future prices will appear in yellow

  • The Price Base Dropdown on the right side above the table allows you to switch between price bases to see complete pricing history for that price base specifically

  • The table itself contains the following fields

    • MSRP

    • MAP

    • Cost

    • Sell

    • Book

    • Base

    • Start

    • End

    • Details - Clicking details displays more information including

      • Created By

      • Code

      • Created At