Payment Method Management

Payment Method Management

How to change the current payment method

Let's say you signed up using a credit card but later decide you want to use a different one to pay for your subscription.

Changing your credit card is easy. You will need to:

  • Add a new credit card

  • Make the new card the new default payment method

  • Delete the old one

Add a new credit card

To add a new credit card you have to go to the Account Manager app. Follow the steps below:

  1. If you are in the PIM, just click here to access the Account Manager:

2. Once in the Account Manager, click on "Account" and then on "Payment Methods"

3. It will list the existing payment methods. At the bottom of the page there will be a "+ Add New Payment Method" button. Click on it.

4. Fill in the credit card details and press the "Save" button at the bottom of form:

5. The card will be validated and if everything is ok the card will be added to your payment methods list:

If something goes wrong an error message will be presented instead.

The new card was added. Now you need to make it the new default payment method. 

Make the new card the new default payment method

All you need to do is click on the "Make Default" button on the credit card you just added:

The new card is now the default payment method:

You can now delete the old card.

Delete the old card

To delete the previous credit card, just click the "Remove" button on the card you want to remove. You can only remove payment methods that aren't the default payment method.

The Account Manager will ask for a confirmation. Review the data to make sure you are deleting the right payment method and click on "Delete":


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