Details Tab
General Information - Details
The Details Tab is located under the General Menu on the Product Edit Page. This page displays the basics of the product information. As with all fields in the PIM, not every field has a direct application to every marketplace or channel.
What Information Is Contained On The Details Tab And What Can I Do With It?
The Product Details Tab displays and allows editing of the following information:
Field | Description |
Name | The name (or title) of the product as it will appear when published |
SKU | The unique identifier for this product SKU must be unique or the product will not save. |
Short Description | A plain text description of the product |
Long Description | A WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) description field capable of HTML formatting This is the primary description field for channel publication. |
Shipping Notes | Open plain text box for shipping related information No direct marketplace application. |
Warranty Info | Open text box for warranty related information May not publish directly to applicable fields if other customizations are present. |
Brand | The brands created inside the PIM and can be assigned to a product |
Visible to Front End | Toggles product visibility status for applicable marketplaces |
Featured Product | Sets featured status on product for applicable marketplaces |
Other Actions
The "Go Back" button at the bottom returns you to the product index page.
The "Update" button saves all fields from the product details tab and triggers a product sync.
Advanced Features
If you have versions enabled and have created a version a dropdown will appear in the upper right hand corner of the details tab. By default it will say master and allows toggling between versions. Here you can create and store separate details elements for each version. SKU and Brand will remain immutable.